Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors are a unique type of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) that arrives at KMK Metals Recycling for recycling and/or recovery. We are nominated by Ireland’s largest compliance scheme, WEEE Ireland, on behalf of the Department of the Environment, to manage the quality smoke detector recycling from Ireland’s civic amenity sites, other WEEE collection points and valued customers.

KMK Metals Recycling promotes the collection of smoke detectors, not only as it maximises WEEE recycling, but also to highlight that detectors which have a radioactive source are identified, segregated from other waste streams, and managed appropriately thereafter.

We are capable of handling and recycling all makes and models of smoke detectors in Ireland. Smoke detectors that do not contain a radioactive source can be properly recycled through the WEEE Plant process at our Tullamore facility, with full separation and recovery of individual components.

Authorisation for the safe custody and transportation of ionisation chamber smoke detectors (ICSDs), which contain a radioactive element, has been obtained from the EPA-ORP (under licence reg. no. L2952-01). We have arrangements in place with an authorised haulage company and expert downstream outlet for the onward transport and treatment of these detectors with obtainment of the required regulatory approval.

The Recycling Process

  • Manual Sorting
  • Shredding of non-ionising units
  • Recovery of fractions
  • Safe segregation of ICSD units
  • Repackaging
  • Specialist transportation through EPA-ORP-approved haulage company
  • Shipment to authorised facilities in Europe for further processing